Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Former Bait Dog Finds Solace in a Fellow Homeless Pup

Hey guys, Cappuccino here! As many of you may have heard, my Bromeo Dill got adopted. He's now living the vida loca with his new human family. Nice score, Buddy! Before Dill got adopted, we lived here at Hounds Town doggie daycare (I guess you could say it was more like squatting) where we got to play, run, learn, and hang out together.

Dill, my Bromeo :) 
I'm happy for my Bro Dill but I've been sad and lonely without him :( It's been a rough month without him, I lost my playmate and buddy :( I thought I was doomed to spend the rest of my time here at Hounds Town in solitude patiently waiting for a home of my own until SHEEEEE walked in a few days ago...

My new leading lady, Ice 
I was just sunbathing one day, minding my own beeswax, when I spotted her through the fence of my run. Brown and white with a big Pittie head, Ice was a real beauty! I didn't know what she was here for, I assumed her owners brought her here for a doggie vacation (this is like a Sandals resort for dogs with owners, for us homeless folks it's a temporary spot while we wait for a forever home).

Soon, the humans put us next to each other and we laid up against the fences of our runs giving kisses through the fence! Awwwww, isn't this sweet so far?

OK, so back to me. Luckily, the humans here at doggie daycare saw how much we loved each other and opened our kennels and let us hang out together. It was love at first bite. That afternoon, we were running on the field together, exploring new things, walking side by side, and napping together. I soon found out that Ice, like me, had no family to call her own. She too was homeless and she was passing through Hounds Town in hopes of learning some new manners to make her more adoptable (learning some doggie etiquette if you will). In my eyes, she's perfect as she is.
We just met and she's ALREADY bossing me around. Women!

You see, everyone deserves a second chance in life and I've sure had mine. After experiencing horrible abuse and being used as a bait dog (can you imagine?) I now spend my days hoping for a new family while being well taken care of here at Hounds Town doggie daycare.

Ice will soon return to her lonely spot in the shelter and I'll once again be left without a companion. I remain forever hopeful not just for me, but for all the homeless doggies out there that have so much beautiful life to offer someone like you. Even if you don't adopt one of us, please consider adopting a dog from a local shelter instead of buying one of us from a store.

For more information on us or Hounds Town Charities (my very nice sponsor), please contact our human spokesperson Jackie at Jackie@houndstownusa.com or 631.873.9486, and follow our story on Facebook. 
We're like two peas in a pod